
Golf Rates

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2011 – 2012 Membership Pricing
(Includes use of golf cart)
Pay for the Membership now and set the start date that fits your schedule!
CategoriesPricingSpecial RateSavings
*Annual Single$1,450$1,200$250
*Annual w/Spouse$1,950$1,600$200
*Semi-Annual w/spouse$1,300$1,000$300
Quarterly w/spouse$900$650$250

*Annual, Semi-Annual and Quarterly Rewards

     Preferred Tee Times Scheduling (Open Tee times at 8:30am)
     Ten Percent (10%) Discount in Golf Store
     10% Discount at the Triple Green Café
Daily Rates
With CartWalkingPunch Cards
(expires 5/31/12)
Daily$29.0012.0020 Play $320
10 Play $210
5 Play $120
After 1pm$24.00$10.00
Group Rate
(12+ Players)
$24$10 (AM or PM)
Active Military$15

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